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Simple quiz

1. The effect of light on photosynthesis has a clear saturating pattern: more light results in more photosynthesis but eventually leaves cannot take full advantage of all the extra light.


2. In general, the more carbon dioxide that is available to the plant, the faster the rate of photosynthesis – if other factors are favourable.


3. Plant respiration captures CO2.


4. The rate of respiration decreases with temperature.


5. High soil moisture leads to decreased photosynthesis.


6. The annual cycle of photosynthesis mainly follows


7. A complex microbiota lives belowground, releasing carbon dioxide to the soil.


8. De-hardening in spring involves gradual re-hydration of the cells, recovery of photosynthetic capacity and a tight control of water loss.


9. Photosynthesis of a tree canopy is driven or influenced by


10. Carbon becomes locked as part of the accumulating plant biomass as plants grow.


11. At low air humidity, a plant closes its stomata to prevent transpiration. The action also decreases photosynthesis


12. Carbon capture is performed by the green parts of plants via photosynthesis.


13. Transpiration decreases as air becomes drier.


14. To transform atmospheric CO2 into organic molecules, plants can use the energy from


15. Leaf area increases with stand age, resulting in a decreasing rate of photosynthesis in the stand.


Question 1 of 15